
The Drowned Earth

Created by James Baldwin

The Drowned Earth is an alternate Sci Fi tabletop miniatures game set in a land of ancient ruins, and lost technology.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Less than 48 hours left to complete your survey!
about 6 years ago – Mon, Feb 05, 2018 at 02:04:39 PM

Hey again folks! Just a very quick one to let you all know: 

You now have 48 hours to complete your Backerkit Survey, or you will not be receiving campaign rewards! 

If you have not completed your survey by Feb 7th you will not be included in the Kickstarter fulfilment wave, as I will not have confirmation of your address!!

Please do get those surveys in ASAP. 

To complete your survey or add to your pledge go here:

Anyway, enough of that. Have some pretty pictures of awesome studio paint jobs that we've got in recently from the awesome


 Pluuuuus some prints you might not have seen yet: 



Less than a week for Backerkit! Plus a few little previews ;)
over 6 years ago – Fri, Feb 02, 2018 at 04:25:14 PM

Hey folks! 

First off, lets get the boring stuff out of the way. About 14% of backers still haven't answered their survey in Backerkit. Now, most of those are people who pledged a few quid without rewards, but there are still some of you who are expecting rewards, and haven't yet finished your survey process. The Backerkit surveys lock on February 7th. 

If you have not completed your survey by Feb 7th you will not be included in the Kickstarter fulfilment wave!! 

If you haven't paid postage then I'm afraid you won't be getting your package! So please do get those surveys in ASAP. I have no idea of a schedule for fulfilling orders that weren't completed by lockdown, so it's very important you get them done.

To complete your survey or add to your pledge go here: 

Now, on to the more interesting side of things. First off, I thought you might like a quick preview of the rulebook table of contents. 


 As you can see, more than 2/3 of the book is fluff. Also, not indexed, are the three short stories and letter commentaries from one of my favourite characters in the universe (who doesn't yet have a model... hmmmm!). 
The book will be a rather swanky hardback, full of beautiful images both of the miniatures painted by the very talented Max Von Deadlock (and some far less impressive ones by yours truly), and some outstanding artwork I've commissioned since the Kickstarter. I can't wait for you all to see it! 

Here are a few thumbnails to give you an idea of the overall layout and design: 

Click to add the rulebook to your order!
Click to add the rulebook to your order!

 Aaaaand, some pictures of the masters, held together with bluetac! Well... whitetac... 
These are now with the caster, being made in to production moulds, and I hope to have some pictures of that pretty soon as well!



Oviraptor! Crazed Attack Turkeys!
Oviraptor! Crazed Attack Turkeys!

 That's all I've got folks. Have fun! 

The Big One!
over 6 years ago – Fri, Jan 12, 2018 at 02:08:10 PM

Choo chooo! All aboard the hype train! 

First of all, allow me to apologise for the lack of announcements recently. The reason? Well, in a strange sort of way, it's good news. If you follow the Facebook group you might be aware that I've been soldiering away at the rulebook for what seems like forever. Me being me, I decided to rewrite the entire thing! The result? Well, I think you're going to be happy with it. 

  • The ruleset is tighter 
  • wording has been clarified (less, but clearer) 
  • I've stripped down the movement chapter to make sure you can do all the same things you could do before, but in a much more elegant and streamlined way. 

 For example, in the Beta edition there were four types of Dynamic Movement, all of which had a separate results table. Now we have just two types, which cover all the previous ways to move, and with a single results table. There is also both a comprehensive Table of Contents and an Index, for easy reference, and a summary of all the tables and charts in the back of the book. 

 The other big news for the rulebook is that I can now confirm it's going to be 180 pages, full colour, and Hardback! I wasn't able to commit to hardback previously, due to shipping weight concerns, but I've managed to make it work. More than 2/3rds of the book is fluff- I've really gone to town on the world description. I don't mind telling you, with a heap of new art, it's also rather pretty! 

Production Commences

As of the beginning of next month Miniatures will start rolling out of the moulds. Book and card files are ready for the printers and should also be produced next month, meaning that I am hoping to fulfil in Mid-late March. I put the schedule behind quite a bit by being a perfectionist about the rulebook, but not so much as to jeopardise the fulfilment date. Everything is being produced within the EU, so shipping times to me shouldn’t be as much of an issue as if I’d gone with China. 

Of course now things are out of my hands- I've provided the manufacturers with everything they need, and now it's down to them and the shipping companies. However, fingers crossed we’ll have no setbacks, and if that’s the case we’re on schedule for an on-time fulfilment


Backerkit is still open till the 7th of Feb. At that time, Backerkit will close and you will be unable to change or add to your order. 

  • If you wish to add to your order before the retail prices kick in, you can go here: 
  • Likewise, if you have friends who wish they'd backed, the Pre-order store (with Kickstarter prices) is here: 

Shut up James, and show us the minis! 

I'd love to! Frustratingly though, my internet connection has been extremely dodgy the last 24 hours, and I've been trying, and failing, to post pictures here all morning. Instead I'll post them as soon as the internet allows. In the meantime head over to the facebook page, as I can upload them there from my phone :D.

Merry Christmas! (Belated!)
over 6 years ago – Thu, Jan 11, 2018 at 12:27:55 PM

NOTE: I wrote this update on Christmas day for you all, but it seems that I hit preview, but not publish?
Anyway, big update tomorrow. Here's the old one: 

Hey folks, and very merry Xmas to you all. 

Just a lightning quick update before I'm force fed and coopted in to kitchen duty, to say that a proper update (with exciting pictures!) is coming as soon as the seasonal dust settles. However, here's a sneak peek: 

Kaneda on a Mantissss!
Kaneda on a Mantissss!


Kaneda Mantis Sculpt Finally Revealed!
over 6 years ago – Sun, Oct 01, 2017 at 08:41:38 PM

This is the one you've all been waiting for! Well, I have anyway! The model featured in our live-sculpting sessions is now here in the flesh, finished and looking GLORIOUS! 

Oh My.....
Oh My.....

 Wish you added him to your order, but it's already completed? Haven't completed your survey yet? No problem! Just go here:

No no really... Whaaaaaat?!
No no really... Whaaaaaat?!

In other news today I published the first in a two part Dinosaur Tactica Article over on The Drowned Earth Blog, so you might want to head on over and check that out, for an idea on how your little dino-guys are going to play on the table. 

The Boring Stuff

Things are progressing nicely. I'm still interested in Playtesters, so drop me a line if you can commit some time over the next couple of months, particularly if you're an experienced gamer.

I'm putting the finishing touches on the rulebook copy, and hope to start page setting before the end of November once the proof reading is all done. 

All in all we're moving forward nicely. Of course I don't have as much free time to write blog articles or make youtube videos, but once all the hard work on the game rules and materials is done I am really looking forward to getting back to that, and engaging the community! 

Another quick reminder- if you've not yet filled out your survey, and are expecting rewards, heres the link to do that:

Likewise, if you've got friends who didn't back, but wish they had, there's now a Pre-Order store which I will start publicising soon:

Thanks guys!